Gaia Naturally Eye Cream


GAIA are pleased to offer their new Eye Cream to the skincare market, joining their ‘Naturally’ skincare range. The eye cream was originally developed for their rejuvenating Jade Facial and has been tried and tested as a professional product by GAIA’s highly trained spa therapists for the past few years.

The deeply hydrating Eye Cream blends together coconut oil, which offers cleansing properties and creates a naturally protective shield around the delicate eye area, along with Jojoba oil, which helps to reduce skin inflammation and balance the skin’s natural oils. Jojoba extracts also offer high levels of Vitamin E which help prevent premature ageing and helps protect the skin with antioxidant properties.

The soothing cream contains rose water, also rich in antioxidants and with calming anti-inflammatory properties, it can help remove redness and reduce puffiness around the eyes. With gentle moisturising qualities too, it helps to fight signs of premature ageing.

Available now at Gaia Skincare.