OUKA Manuka Honey 525MGO+


The super honey, Manuka, has long been accredited for its anti-microbial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Ouka makes Manuka Honey ingestion easier than ever before. Each gummy contains Manuka Honey 525MGO+ Monofloral and is infused with the highest quality blend of vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, D, B12 and Zinc, which together, are clinically proven to boost energy levels, support and strengthen the immune system and encourage naturally healthy hair and skin.

What’s more? Ouka ensures use of sustainable Monofloral Manuka Honey from New Zealand. The Manuka Honey used adheres to only the best practices on bee welfare and uses sustainable harvesting. To protect future supply, their supply chain has also planted 360,000 Manuka blush seedlings to date and have brought over 4,000 acres of former farmland to rewild with flowering Manuka and beehives(!)

Proudly supporting the Bumblebee Conservation Trust by donating 10p from every bottle of Ouka sold, Starpowa are on a mission to increase the number and distribution of bumblebees.

Available at Starpowa and Holland & Barrett.

OukaNatalia Kulak