10 Things To Do in Lockdown 2.0 as a Beauty Professional


Business consultant Phil Jackson from Build Your Salon, puts together his ten tips for getting the most out of lockdown 2.0!

1 Self care by the bucketload!

You‘ve been through a huge rollercoaster and that takes its toll in all kinds of ways. Take care of yourself, have some well-earned rest and recharge your batteries.

2 Celebrate

You’re still in business - which is more than many have managed. The fact that you’re here to fight another day is a credit to your skills and your business. Celebrate that and give yourself a pat on the back!

3 Keep in touch with your clients

The salons that bounced back quickest after the last lockdown were those who kept in touch with their clients. It doesn’t have to be a huge, fancy newsletter. Something weekly that reminds your clients that you are thinking of them and keeping them abreast of your plans for reopening will put you on a strong footing.

4 Retail hard

Check your local regulations - in many areas ‘Click and Collect’ is an option and many of your clients will be getting their online shopping done for Christmas or looking for ways to make themselves feel a little better. It gives you something to get your teeth into as well.

5 Bring your promotions forward

Start your promotions early. Vouchers are a great way to get 2021 off to a busier start and help cashflow too. Move your Christmas client evenings online and get going. We all need a little festive cheer urgently!

6 Plan ahead

The fact that furlough has been extended into the Spring makes me think that this may not be our last lockdown. Make contingency plans for future lockdowns and have processes in place for moving clients if you need to. Hopefully you never need the plan!

7 Think memberships

Stable financials and reliable income are what memberships do best and it’s a great time to launch when customers want to find ways to support you. Get something simple on sale as soon as possible!

8 Think local

There is a groundswell of support for local businesses. When looking for suppliers and partnerships, include some local companies too. One of my coaching salons has put together a Notts Box with suppliers from Nottingham all cross-promoting a box of treats.

9 Jump into the numbers

Use the time to look at your bank statements line by line. Use this time to cut costs where you can to get the business onto firmer financial ground in 2021. You have the time to shop around!

10 Keep some structure

There is comfort in routine and we’re in an industry that runs on appointments. Going from full-on to zero structure and back again is stressful. Make appointments with yourself through the week to work on marketing your business and preparing for reopening to keep a bit of structure in place.