45% of Salon Owners Considered Giving Up on their Business


Phorest Salon Software has surveyed 1,000 salon owners around the world to reveal that almost half have seriously considered closing their business.

The survey covered members from all sectors of the beauty industry including beauty salons, hair salons, spa/day spa, nail salon, hair and beauty salon and other beauty businesses.


It was interesting to find that half of the respondents who considered closing their salon, considered giving up when well established (when their business had been running for 3+ years). Salon owners gave a plethora of reasons for why they considering closing their salon, amongst the most common was difficulty finding & managing staff (32%) and external factors such as economy, rent, rates and tax.

CEO, Ronan Perceval, commented on the results on the survey: “Salon professionals spend a lot of their time lending a supportive ear to the clients in their chair, but when it comes to having someone they can lean on for support, being an owner or manager of an independent salon business can be lonely and isolating.

To help salon owners combat these feelings of despair and strengthen their skills as business leaders, we have set up several Phorest initiatives specifically designed to help salon owners tackle the challenges raised in our survey. Some of these include a free 6-Part Salon Management Course, as well as the Salon Mentorship Hub, where salon owners can book a free consultation with a topic expert of their choice. These initiatives are entirely free for all salon owners, not just for Phorest clients.”