Beauty to Re-open No Earlier than 12th of April 2021


Boris Johnson has announced today that the Personal Care sector can open alongside non-essential retail - including hairdressers and nail salons as part of step 2 of lifting lockdown. Step 2 of easing lockdown will take place at least 5 weeks after step 1 and no earlier than 12th of April with an announcement at least 7 days in advance.

Personal care premises (excluding Saunas and Steam Rooms) are in Step 2 of the roadmap to easing lockdown measures.

This opening date is contingent on the rollout of the vaccine, the rate of infections and the impact of any new variants. If Step 1 of lockdown easing is delayed, this will delay the easing of Step 2. Each stage of the lifting of Covid restrictions are dependant on four conditions being met:

  1. The coronavirus vaccine programme continues to go to plan.

  2. Evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently reducing the number of people dying with the virus or needing hospital treatment.

  3. Infection rates do not risk a surge in hospital admissions.

  4. New variants of the virus do not fundamentally change the risk of lifting restrictions.