Launches a Free Digital Gift Voucher Site for Salons


After Henkel Beauty Care Professional’s successful “Hairdresser Support Campaign” which donated €2 million to the WHO/UN Foundation Covid-19 fund, 5 million units of personal and household hygiene products and switching production to much-needed disinfectants, the brand is now turning to support salons. Henkel has launched an open-access Help Your Salon voucher site for the UK and Ireland. Free from any brand affiliation, the voucher site is open for any salon or freelancer to use. and the Irish alternative provide a free platform for any salon or freelance stylists to personalise and sell digital gift vouchers, through a quick and easy registration process. There are no costs attached, and salons do not need an online shop – or even a website – to use it.

We are fully committed to trying to help salons maintain a revenue stream, during these challenging economic times, this scheme helps them to retain their customer base and gives clients a great opportunity to demonstrate loyalty to their salon.  It could also prove a useful way to prioritise appointments once they can reopen, with customers having purchased a voucher being offered the chance to be first in the chair.” said Julian Crane, General Manager, Henkel Beauty Care Professional.

How does it work?

•       Salon owners register at – the process takes less than two minutes.

•       Users create, or link to, an existing Business PayPal account*

•       Users can personalise vouchers or donation cards with their logo and choice of service or amount.

•       Users receive a link which they can send directly to clients or promote on social media or other marketing methods.

•       Clients receive a personalised voucher for their salon, to use once it’s back up and running.

•       All revenue will be sent directly to the salon’s PayPal account, with no middle-man or costs.

Not only is this service completely independent of both brands and suppliers, it is also available to salons and freelance stylists equally, free of charge.

The only caveat is that salon owners and stylists must seek advice from their solicitor, accountant or tax advisor and business insurer, who can provide tailored advice for individual cases to ensure income via vouchers and donations doesn’t compromise any state aid being applied for, or void business liability insurance policies.

* please note PayPal for Business accounts fees will apply.