How to Sell Salon Vouchers to Keep Your Business Afloat


With beauty businesses no longer trading, cashflow for many is non-existent. Selling Salon Vouchers that can be redeemed at a later date can be a way to get a steady income stream now which you can work off later. But how can you incentivise your clients to spend on salon vouchers when they themselves are financially restricted due to the uncertainty of how long the coronavirus crisis may last?

We’ve gathered the best marketing tips to sell your vouchers for the price of gold

  1. Stress that you won’t be doing discounts once you open

    One thing is for sure, once the salon or spa opens back up, you’ll be booked back to back with mani-pedis and covering those roots. When this happens you will no longer need or want to offer discounts on your services since they will be in high demand. Remind your clients of this and let them know that the bargain prices you may be offering in your vouchers is a one-off opportunity that will no longer be available after the crisis.

  2. Create a priority list

    Your clients may already be asking you to “please book them in as soon as you reopen”. A salon voucher incentive is a great way to create a priority list instead of telling each customer “yes”. It assures them that they really will be your first set of clients (but remember: don’t bite off more than you can chew when offering priority spaces).

  3. Talk to your account manager

    Speak to the account manager of the brands you use and retail to see if they can offer their support - whether it’s extra samples that you will be able to share with the buyer of the salon voucher or something else that would make your voucher a bargain opportunity. Creating goody bags to go with your vouchers can also be effective.

  4. Show off your work

    Never let your clients forget just why they love going to you. Social Media is now your best friend and an ideal way to stay in touch with your clients. Show off the work that you’re doing on yourself or your family - or post throwbacks so your clients yearn for their appointment. The more they see of your skills - the more they will want to experience themselves, and the social media growth won’t harm!

  5. Offer Refunds

    This is optional and may be risky for some - however offering refunds on salon vouchers can make clients feel more comfortable investing their money in your business as they know if things turn sour financially, they can get their money back. Offering this, you will lose a small paypal fee is you are offering vouchers through which is no longer refundable, and offering refunds will require a float for such situations so you may never spend a full amount of money earned from salon vouchers.

  6. Market your vouchers as presents

    With self isolation it’s hard to attend a birthday party, but remind your clients that they can still get their clients a perfect gift- a gift of you.

  7. Offer extra services to biggest spenders

    Your loyal customers deserve to be treated - offer them a free service or premium service when they spend more money.

  8. Let them know that they’re helping you

    Remind them that you’re not looking to make big bucks and lucrative earnings (though that would be nice) - your priority is to keep your business afloat. In these troubling times, it’s natural to ask for support, and many are happy to offer it if they can.

Regardless of what method you use to promote your vouchers, a great tool to use to create you vouchers is The service provides a free platform for any salon or freelance stylists to personalise and sell digital gift vouchers, through a quick and easy registration process. There are no costs attached, and salons do not need an online shop – or even a website – to use it.