NHBF Proposes Licensing for Salons Carrying Out Aesthetic Treatments in Scotland

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Following calls for greater regulation across the UK in the beauty industry, the National Hair & Beauty Federation (NHBF) has put forward a proposal that would result in beauty salons in Scotland which provide dermal fillers or lip enhancements to require licenses.

This new proposal put forth before the Scottish government would require all non-health professionals who provide non-surgical cosmetic procedures which pierce or penetrate the skin (e.g.dermal fillers or lip enhancements) to be licensed.

The proposals include:

  • A licence to be required for carrying on a business which provides non-surgical cosmetic procedures through piercing or penetrating the skin.

  • An inspection of premises by a local authority Environmental Health Officers (EHOs), assessing the salon against specified conditions before a licence is granted.

  • A requirement that an applicant's knowledge, skill, training and experience is taken into account when determining whether they are a fit and proper person to hold a licence.

A time period for consultation and exchange of views has now been set to extend until the 30th of April 2020.

“The NHBF will be responding to the consultation.  We welcome any moves to drive up standards and to protect the safety of clients.  We already work closely with environmental health teams to advise them on best practice health and safety standards for beauty salons. However, we will want to ensure that any new regulations do not unfairly penalise beauty professionals who have years of experience, appropriate training and qualifications and who run their businesses responsibly.”

- NHBF Chief Executive Hilary Hall