Salon Which Claimed Coronavirus is a Hoax to be Investigated by Police
SKIN KERR/INSTAGRAM - The poster put up by the salon has since been taken down
Beauty salon Skin Kerr in Bootle, which has denied the existed of coronavirus, banning the talk of coronavirus in the premises of the salon and not taking the necessary preventative measures is being investigated by the Police.
The salon put posters up, calling the pandemic “b******t” and mirrored such sentiments on their social media (posts which have now been made private on the page), claiming that it is not possible to catch that which “does not exist”. The shop window posters and social media posts have now been taken down.
On the 9th of September, Sefton Council Environmental Health officers attended the salon. Cllr Paulette Lappin Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services said: “Once our Environmental Health team was made aware of this disappointing situation, we contacted the owner of the company and have arranged a visit today. We will be meeting with the owner on Wednesday morning.
“If the situation cannot be resolved satisfactorily during this meeting, and we are not satisfied that measures to keep customers and staff safe are in place, we will consider taking formal enforcement action.”
Graeme Robson, Sefton Community Policing Superintendent, added: "My officers will be visiting the salon to speak to the staff and manager and reminding them of their continued responsibilities around Covid-19 and the safety and wellbeing of their staff and customers.
The government guidance on keeping workers and clients safe in the close contact industry instructs that businesses should take reasonable steps to encourage customer compliance, for example through in store communications or notices at the entrance. If necessary, police can issue fines to members of the public for non-compliance.