Self Expression Through the Art of Makeup


Many times, people like me are judged for wearing makeup because others think it is done to cover imperfections...but it is so much more than that! People such as myself wear makeup as a form of expression. It is also something I do to connect with myself, a time out of the day for me time. A moment a lot of us neglect because we are so busy with our lives. We all have developed a habit of being on the go, the moment you wake up you mentally prepare yourself for what the day has to bring. Often, we don't care about setting time aside for ourselves just for the simple reason that we think it's just not that important. We're able to function this way but almost like robots, not connected to ourselves. Some people use ways to feel connected by meditating or working out at the gym. Spending time doing makeup on myself every morning is a similar feeling of satisfaction, for me, it is therapeutic and a destressor.

Makeup is a form of art. Like an artist’s painting, our face is our canvas. Makeup expresses everything about a persons' personality, even their mood. Makeup could mean a lot of different things to people such as a way to relax, be creative, or simply just because they love doing it. Makeup can also be a hobby, some people play sports every day because they enjoy it, I like makeup, and that's why I do it as much as I do. I wear makeup to express on the outside how I feel on the inside. I am able to develop confidence without having to speak out about it.

I always loved being creative, as a child I started drawing and painting before I found I could also be an artist through applying makeup. I love the process of putting it on and seeing the outcome of what I envisioned. Makeup makes me feel put-together and boosts my confidence when I need it. Sometimes I spend a couple of hours on my application and then I end up wiping it all off when I am not satisfied with it. The best part of it is that you get better and better the more you practice, and that makes it even more fun the next time you try again. Even though it could get frustrating at times when one eyebrow doesn't look the same as the other no matter how hard you try, but that's ok, brows are sisters, not twins!

There has always been a discussion between people who wear makeup and people who don't wear it as to the reason why people choose to put on makeup on a daily basis. Most people who don't wear makeup have the idea that people who do wear it must feel insecure about the way they look or that they don't like themselves. Even though some people start wearing makeup for this exact reason-there is nothing wrong with that! If it makes someone happy and comfortable to put on a full face of makeup every day, then they should be able to do it without being criticized for it.

I started wearing makeup in elementary school, it all started with eyeliner. Then came high school and I fell in love with makeup even more. At this point, I was wearing foundation (not the right shade), concealer, blush (too much), mascara everything! I was just learning, and I looked like I was wearing a mask around the school, but that's not the point. After some time in high school like a lot of girls, I felt insecure, and makeup helped me through that phase, and I am not afraid to admit that it made me feel better about myself because it's true.

I believe that if what you wear or put on your face makes you look good on the outside then you'll feel good on the inside. There is also a misconception about this and as to why this is the wrong way to think. I mean let's be honest here, dressing up, putting on makeup, and doing your hair makes you feel good, and that portrays on the outside. If you feel great doing that, then you'll want to do it again. Yes, I already know what you're thinking, this method will never help you love and accept your true self and only make you feel even more insecure about yourself the longer you do it.

Well, I beg to differ, everyone is different, and we all go through different experiences that help us grow into loving ourselves. Aside from creating full glam looks on my Instagram, on a daily basis, I don't wear a full face of makeup. Since I have started wearing makeup I have worn less over the years. I have grown to love certain features of myself that I use to cover up and now I use makeup to embrace them. What I'm saying is, it shouldn't matter why people wear a full face of makeup, the real question is why do people care?. It doesn't define us makeup lovers, and it doesn't mean we don't like who we are. I wear makeup to improve and enhance things about my face. I'm not ashamed to admit this, and neither should you.

You are who you are, and if you want to wear makeup because it makes you feel amazing, then you shouldn't stop for anyone saying you're doing too much because if you are not doing the most then what are you doing! Makeup has no rules; makeup is talent and a reflection of you. So anyone's negative input on the time you spent being yourself is irrelevant. It is 2018 and people need to come to terms with the fact that just because it is not the norm for yourself, that does not mean it is wrong.

It’s time to stop making people feel sorry for putting on makeup and just let them do what they want and be who they want to be. Unfortunately, in today's society, women are constantly shamed for what they should and shouldn't look like. This ties into the argument that makeup is linked to low self-esteem. In my opinion, having self-esteem is much broader than how I look on the outside. Don't get me wrong, wearing makeup does give me a boost of confidence but self-esteem comes from within, a feeling of acceptance with myself as I am with or without makeup.

Despite all these perceptions, the idea of doing makeup as an art form and self-expression instead of a seek of approval and a reason to hide is now being understood. Now more so then ever, makeup lovers from all over the world come together to connect and share their love for makeup. I think this is amazing because we all support each other especially when everyone else is judging us. As a creator, I choose to project myself through my appearance, and if you are like me, I encourage you to do it unapologetically. I will continue to express myself through makeup for years to come because I love it. I love it so much because it gives me the power! The power to be who I want to be. Makeup is art.