Should You Test Your Client's Temperature?


With the beauty industry reopening (though no earlier than 4th July) it is important to remember that it is not reopening because we live in a Coronavirus free world. In fact, the Coronavirus infection rate in UK is second highest of any major European country. While the rate of infection is coming down, in the UK and Sweden, the number of daily confirmed cases remains high and the shape of their epidemic is diverging from those of Spain, France and Italy.

So why is the beauty industry reopening? In a mission to restart the economy by the government, lockdown is being eased. In a new and unsafe world, members of the public are urged to use reasonable care in protecting themselves and others through the use of PPE. The beauty industry is one of the last to open because of the close proximity of working with clients, which puts both the client and professional at great risk - meaning greater protection is needed to ensure they are able to work safely.

Spas and Salons in the beauty industry are doing this through the use of face masks, visors, one-in-one-out client appointments, gloves, sanitising stations as well as offering PPE equipment to clients who do not have any as well. Other have also planned to take a clients temperature upon the visit.

But how useful can this be?

According to new research from China, significant transmission of coronavirus takes place before the infected patients develop recognisable symptoms. They calculated there was a significant risk of infection during the incubation period, which they said was potentially higher than during the time when sufferers had symptoms. If this is the case, then taking a client’s temperature will not guarantee that they are coronavirus free.

This does not mean, however, that taking a client’s temperature is futile. Each equipment of PPE alone, will not protect you, your team, or your clients from coronavirus. Put the equipment together and there is a greater level of protection, and taking a temperature test will enable you to protect yourself against clients who are exhibiting mild symptoms. One of the most important things to remember, is to remain vigilant - coronavirus is a silent spreader; just because you can’t see it - does not mean it is not there.

Taking your clients’ temperature may also reassure your clients, that your salon is safe to attend, as you are taking all the precautionary measures possible in our new reality.

It should also be noted, that for women during menopause, their core body temperature will not rise during a hot flash, and taking their temperature may be an indicator as to their health.