Why You Should Be Confident to Raise Your Prices Post Lockdown


Making the choice to raise prices post-lockdown can be an immensely hard decision for many salons, stylists and therapists. The key is to understand, that money will be tight for both you and your clients alike, so a disproportionate rise in prices shouldn’t be encouraged, however, clients of salons opening across Europe have shown to be understanding of a small increase in price.

1. Why Your Costs will grow

In your salon, it is highly likely that you will be working longer hours with fewer clients despite the influx of appointments. This will be because, to each appointment, you will need to add extra time to clean, disinfect and sterilize the area before your next client. Many salons are also buying face masks, gowns, disinfection gel, gloves and more as PPE material. It is highly likely that some treatments may not be permissible once lockdown eases, if they cannot be provided safely, that may have otherwise brought you a satisfying income. To compensate for more time to clean, a smaller intake of clients into your salon at a time and costs of PPE, a small increase in price may be necessary.

2. Research your area

While you may wish to increase your clients, first find out if any salons in your area providing the same services or using the same products as you are deciding to keep their prices as they are - and if so, considering if it is necessary for you, or consider a smaller increase. Make your price increase proportionate to your costs with a 5-10% increase depending on your area. This increase will not be too detrimental to your client, working out as between £1.50 - £2.50, but will accumulate to cover your costs.

3. Explain and advise your clients

Be clear that your proportionate increase in prices is a direct result of your costs increasing. Once clients are aware that the expenses incurred are for their own safety and protection, they are shown to understand the need for the increase. Research into salons opening across Europe has shown that clients are happy to pay extra. Communicating your new safety measures is also essential in building trust as  safety and hygiene will still be a key concern for your clients when you open.