36% of Vegetarians are Unaware That They Use Animal By-products


Many people try to avoid using makeup that contains animal based products. However, very few seem to succeed in this mission. A recent study by Flawless Lashes by Loreta, surveying over 500 UK-based vegetarians, revealed a shocking 36% were unaware that their products could contain animal by-products. The main reason behind this statistic is the ambiguous labelling of makeup products. Many consumers do not recognise certain ingredients listed, or where they are derived from. There is also a widespread misconception between the terms cruelty-free and vegan. Whilst cruelty-free cosmetics may still contain animal by-products, vegan products do not.

It is extremely important that consumers are able to make informed decisions regarding their makeup purchases and lifestyle choices. Therefore, to help you out, here are the most common animal-based ingredients used in the industry:

Keratin: This is a protein frequently added to shampoos and conditioners, as it can aid in the strengthening of hair. It is often sourced from the hair and horns of animals.

Tallow: This is a type of animal fat and is found in a variety of products including foundation, soap and eye makeup. 

Guanine: We all love to apply those iridescent highlighters and highly pigmented eyeshadows. However, in many cases, fish scales are used to create the shimmery look we all love.

Shellac: The name provides a hint here, as this nail product is made out of lac beetles. The ingredient derived from these beetles gives your nails the lovely shiny and strong coat you desire. 

Carmine: This is made from insects called cochineals. They are ground up to produce a vibrant red, commonly used in lipstick and blusher.

The makeup industry needs to become more transparent. Brands need to adequately inform their consumers and stop hiding behind their confusing ingredient lists. However, rather surprisingly, 34% of the vegetarians surveyed still knowingly use cosmetics containing animal by-products. This is thought to be due to the lack of available vegan products in the market. Therefore, a manufacturing shift towards vegan product ranges is required, in order to give consumers the choice they are entitled to. This should not be difficult as lots of natural and synthetic alternatives to animal products exist. Nevertheless, until this change occurs, keep an eye out for the ingredients listed in this article, and take ownership of your buying decisions.