Aesthetic Doctors Volunteer to the Frontline Against Coronavirus


Some 20,000 former NHS staff have returned to work to help the fight against coronavirus, Boris Johnson has revealed in a video posted online as well as the 750,000 members of the public who have volunteered to help the country through the pandemic.

With aesthetic clinics having closed, cosmetic surgeons and aesthetic doctors are volunteering their time to support the overwhelmed NHS. All doctors have basic medical training, including those doing aesthetic work. What will vary is the level of experience within the NHS they have - some will have very little and others will have more, however all will have the skills to help during the pandemic.

Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said: “In these extraordinary times, it’s essential that we all pull together as part of the national effort to protect the most vulnerable, reduce pressures on our NHS and care system and save lives.

Other firms are responding by donating hand sanitiser, gloves and paper rolls to UK hospitals, and even hand cream to NHS workers.