COVID-19 Has Inspired a New Generation of Cosmetics Creators


Desktop factory Mayku recently performed a study looking into the impact of COVID-19 on beauty microbusinesses and start-ups. They discovered that lockdown has served as a strong motivator for hobbyists to start their own cosmetics and beauty companies, with around a quarter of hobbyists transforming their interest into a viable business. This has resulted in £4.3bn ready to be injected into the sector.

The lockdown caused by the Coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on life in the UK. With millions of Brits being confined to their homes, and many suffering job losses or being placed on furlough, the pandemic has severely impacted the economy and the livelihoods of people across the country. However, the nationwide lockdown has also provided new opportunities for many. Despite the considerable economic downturn associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the sales of cosmetics and beauty products has thrived, with the wellness now worth up to £2.8 trillion worldwide, according to the Global Wellness Institute.

According to Mayku’s research, lockdown has helped a large portion of the population to discover their creative passions, with many hobbyists actively manufacturing cosmetic products from their own homes. This is unsurprising, as a quarter of people who had a hobby in beauty and wellbeing admitted to disliking mass-produced products. Around 23% of hobbyists reported that the time away from work in COVID-19 has inspired them to set up their own businesses in the beauty and wellness sector.

When accompanied by the fact that local businesses are well received, with over 7% of Brits willing to invest £2000 in a local beauty and wellbeing company, these new businesses are set to have a large impact. It is estimated that this new generation of cosmetics creators will boost the sector by around four billion pounds. Mayku’s research supports the predictions of the Global Wellness Institute, which forecasts considerable growth in the beauty and wellness industry, with Brits expected to spend £487 per head on cosmetics annually by 2022.

With this rise in artisanal craftsmanship and creativity, Mayku are helping these designers, artists and creators across the country to work remotely in lockdown and continue to make incredible creations, by providing portable desktop factories and the materials needed to carry out product development remotely. 

Alex Smilansky and Benjamin Redford, Co-Founders of Mayku, discuss how people can turn their passion projects into a source of income, and the importance of improving the accessibility of the tools and equipment needed to do so:

“It is truly wonderful to see the sheer quantity of people in Britain who have benefited from allowing their creative juices to flow by taking up, or even rediscovering a love for beauty, cosmetic and general wellbeing. The process of crafting innovative and artisanal cosmetics allows people not only to reignite their creative mindset, but also encourages productivity with beautiful results.

We have also found that the time spent in lockdown has inspired some people to take their craft hobbies and nurture them to create fully fledged businesses out of their homes. With more time and energy to dedicate to their passion projects, the lift in lockdown has seen a rise in the number of brand new, innovative and creative businesses. 

At Mayku, we are so pleased to see so many people discovering new creative passions, and we are committed to giving everyone in the UK the power to kickstart their own hobbies or even businesses, by providing quality materials, equipment, and a friendly online community for help and support.”