Beware the NHS Track & Trace Scam


With the Coronavirus pandemic still around us, there are a lot of things to remember when working in your salon, but one of the most important ones is that testing for Coronavirus provided by the NHS is free for all those experiencing symptoms or living in a covid-19 outbreak area.

We’ve had numerous reports from industry professionals that they have received phone calls with people claiming to be calling from the NHS track and trace service, informing that “according to their system, someone in their proximity has tested positive for COVID-19”. While they cannot share the details of the infected covid-19 person for confidentiality reasons, the caller then proceeds to inform the callee that they must self isolate for 7 days and get tested as soon as possible. Playing on their emotions they next take the callee’s address to send them a testing kit for home use so they can get tested as soon as possible for which there is a charge of £50, so payment is necessary to be taken.

Please take this as a reminder for the beauty industry and other industries to not share personal information including your bank details over the phone. Avoid giving any information over the phone if you can unless you are speaking to a verified source. Please remember, that home testing kits can be provided by the NHS free here if you are experiencing symptoms of covid-19.