Local Lockdown - Can You Work from Home and Visit Homes?

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As the government works to tackle coronavirus outbreaks locally, local councils are enforcing “local lockdowns”.

Late into the evening on Thursday 30th July 2020 it was announced that there was to be a new local lockdown in Greater Manchester, east Lancashire and parts of West Yorkshire. The new lockdown rules, which came into force at midnight, mean people from different households will not be allowed to meet in homes or private gardens. They also ban members of two different households from mixing in pubs and restaurants, although individual households will still be able to visit such hospitality venues.

However, business and workplaces are urged to continue as before. This means that in those areas in north west where restrictions have been added, mobile beauty therapists, or beauty therapists who work from their home or garden can continue to visit clients and accept clients into their home. This only applies to treatments that are not restricted and deemed a high risk - in other words, mobile beauty therapists can operate in areas of a local lockdown but they may not perform facial treatments. The list of treatments that may not be carried out is on the government guidelines from the 23rd of July. You can read more about this here.

Beauty salons in Leicester must remain closed.