No Matter How Challenging, Wear Your Mask and Visor for the Sake of the Beauty Industry

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If the lockdown has taught the beauty industry anything, it is that the industry is not respected among men in power in parliament - who happen to be the majority of the decision makers. The sterile beauty industry was one of the last to open as sexist reopening guidelines differentiated between close contact beard trims and distanced nail treatments where PPE equipment can be worn by the professional and client.

The full revival of the beauty industry, with facial treatments resuming on the 15th of August, was a big win for the sector, but it came with a caveat. The change in guidance required everyone in the industry, working in prolonged close contact, to be wearing a visor and a type II face mask.

The new guidelines have proved to be challenging - to say the very least. Not only has the cost of disposable PPE Equipment been expediential considering business have not had income for months, but also wearing the PPE is incredibly hard on the professional carrying out the treatment. Beauty professionals have faced feeling unwell, struggling to carry out their appointment to their usual standard, suffered headaches, dizziness and more.

But in spite of all this - even though those working in the beauty industry know that the industry is one of the safest, you must wear your type II mask and visor (unless you are exempt for health reasons). Otherwise, you risk the whole of the beauty industry shutting down again. If there is a rise in covid-19 cases (as we are seeing now) and reports of beauty salons not the following guidance, beauty will be the first to go. The government is only looking for an excuse the shut the industry back down, that it wrongfully believes is unsafe - if you want your industry to remain open, stand with your fellow professionals and stay covid secure.