Spa Voucher Sales Estimated to Increase by 50% This Christmas


New data from SpaSeekers, the UK’s longest-standing spa booking agency, predicts that Christmas 2021 will be the year of the experience gift, as the business forecasts a 50% increase on spend for spa gift vouchers. The new data shows that spa gift voucher shopping started early this year at the start of September, as soon as schools went back, with ‘Spa Christmas voucher’ searches on Google trends increasing by 100% as early as 12th September.

The research further reveals that 7% of gift vouchers are typically sold on Christmas Eve with around a further 20% of voucher recipients returning the favour buying ‘return vouchers’ on Christmas Day.  The average amount spent per gift voucher sale is £170 and SpaSeekers is forecasting its Spa Gift Voucher spend for Christmas 2021 to be in excess of £1 million.

Commenting on the data, SpaSeekers’ director, Jason Goldberg says “The post pandemic demand for wellbeing experience treats has fast forwarded the demand for spa gift voucher sales, which is unprecedented in our almost 30 years of operating in this space.  Our research shows that Christmas sales normally take off from early November but this year it’s a good two months earlier. What’s more, the value of ‘return gifts’ on Christmas Day is interesting and shouldn’t be ignored by spa operators with this making up a substantial percentage of gift voucher revenue.”