Why The NHBF is Fighting To Keep Uniform Business Rates in Scotland


The National Hair and Beauty Federation (NHBF) have placed pressure on the Scottish Parliament to reconsider their decision to scrap uniform business rates (the tax applied to the occupation of a non-domestic property.) 

In early December, members of the Scottish parliament voted to remove uniform business rates and to pass control over to local authorities. If this goes ahead, there is fear that business rates will increase for all businesses across Scotland. 

As beauty related businesses and salons dominate the British highstreet, it is understandable why the NHBF is taking action against this decision. These businesses are essential contributors to the highstreet’s ecosystem. In Scotland alone, 3,725 hair and beauty highstreet businesses generate a total annual revenue of £606 million. With rising competition and employment costs, many fear that increased business rates could tip the balance, causing small businesses to struggle. As such, the chief executive of the NHBF, Hilary Hall, believes ‘an assessment of the likely economic impact should have been done’, before such a monumental decision was made. 

The Scottish Parliament are planning on reviewing the bill again early this year, so it will be interesting to see if they reconsider their stance, in light of the recent controversy.