Is Sleep Really the Fountain of Youth?


We’ve all heard of the term ‘beauty sleep’, the idea that well rested nights can rejuvenate and help you to remain young and beautiful. However, there hasn’t been much scientific evidence to support these claims, until now.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It is the protein known for giving your skin its structure and elasticity. The reduction in collagen, as we age, is believed to be the cause behind wrinkles. This is why collagen containing supplements and skin creams have increased in popularity in recent years. 

Published in Nature Cell Biology, researchers at The University of Manchester carried out studies in mice. They discovered that collagen is made up of two types of rope-like strands, known as fibrils. There are thicker fibrils, which are around a million million times smaller than a pinhead, and thinner fibrils which, as you might imagine, are much smaller than that! 

The biologists discovered that the thicker fibrils are permanent, remaining unchanged from age 17 and throughout the rest of our lives. However, the thinner fibrils break during the day and are replenished as we rest at night. 

“If you imagine the bricks in the walls of a room as the permanent part, the paint on the walls could be seen as the sacrificial part which needs to be replenished every so often.” explained Professor Karl Kadler.

Our body-clock is what keeps our system running to a certain schedule, regulating feelings of sleepiness and wakefulness over a 24-hour period. Following the initial discovery of the thin fibrils, the scientists removed the genes that control the body clock of mice and noticed abnormal formation of collagen. This suggests that the body-clock is also responsible for the regulation of the thinner fibrils, helping us to face the rigours of the day.

Long story short, get eight hours of sleep. Not only will you feel better, but your face will thank you for it!