How to Incorporate Ayurveda, Aromatherapy, and Natural Ingredients into Beauty Treatments

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, focuses on balancing the body's energies (doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha) through diet, lifestyle, and natural therapies. Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils derived from plants to improve physical and psychological well-being. Combining these two can offer potent, results-driven treatments that align with holistic wellness principles.

Incorporating Ayurveda into Beauty Treatments

Begin with a consultation to determine the client's dosha, as this personalises treatments to suit individual needs. For instance, Vata types require hydration and warmth, Pitta types benefit from cooling and soothing treatments, and Kapha types need detoxifying and stimulating therapies.

In practice, Ayurvedic treatments such as Abhyanga—a traditional massage using warm, herb-infused oils—help balance doshas, improve circulation, and rejuvenate the skin. Shirodhara, which involves pouring warm oil over the forehead, promotes relaxation and mental clarity. Additionally, herbal facials using natural ingredients like turmeric, neem, and sandalwood can be tailored to the client’s skin type and dosha.

Integrating Aromatherapy

Selection of essential oils should be based on their therapeutic benefits and compatibility with the client’s dosha. For example, lavender is calming and suitable for Pitta and Vata types, rose is moisturising and soothing for Pitta, and eucalyptus is stimulating and detoxifying for Kapha.

Incorporating these oils can be done through various methods such as using diffusers to enhance the salon atmosphere, blending essential oils with carrier oils for massages, and adding them to steam treatments to open pores and enhance skin treatments.

Using Natural Ingredients

Customised treatments using natural ingredients can greatly benefit clients. Face packs made from chickpea flour, turmeric, and honey can be tailored to the client’s skin type and dosha, with aloe vera added for Pitta skin or ripe papaya for Kapha skin. Ayurvedic oils like Brahmi and Bhringraj can be used for scalp massages to promote hair health and reduce hair loss.

Offering herbal teas made from ingredients like tulsi, ginger, and fennel can also help balance doshas and promote overall wellness.

Subtle Energies, founded by Farida Irani, has successfully integrated Ayurveda and aromatherapy into their product line and treatments. The brand's philosophy is rooted in the use of rare and potent essential oils, combined with traditional Ayurvedic techniques and modern massage methods.

"Our speciality lies in the research we've conducted on Ayurveda Aromatherapy since the early 90s. We've taken the traditional Ayurvedic pharmacopeia and transformed it by using steam-distilled essential oils, which are 70-100 times stronger than the plant itself. This approach also provides the added benefit of the aroma impacting the limbic region of the brain through the olfactory system” comments Farida.

@We incorporate actives such as Tulasi, an excellent adaptogen for stress, adrenal fatigue, detoxification, analgesia, and blood purification. Mogra is ideal for cell renewal, pigmentation, and collagen production; we call it the 'oil of joy' due to its positive effects on sleep, stress, and hormonal balance. Neem, a potent antioxidant, is highly beneficial for sensitive skin and various skin issues."

Their product range includes facial oils, body creams, and therapeutic blends that address various skin and health concerns. High-quality ingredients are sourced globally to ensure efficacy and authenticity, including unique botanicals from India and other regions.

Subtle Energies provides various holistic programs targeting different needs such as detoxification, rejuvenation, sleep improvement, and stress reduction. These programs are designed to balance mind, body, and emotions, offering a comprehensive approach to wellness.

The brand emphasizes ethical sourcing and sustainable practices, working with artisan distillers to procure the highest quality essential oils and botanicals. This commitment ensures that their products are safe, effective, and cruelty-free.