Isolation Skincare Tips


As we enter another week of lockdown, celebrity facialist and founder of Crystal Clear Skincare, Sharon Hilditch MBE, shares her top tips for glowing skin during isolation.

Protect yourself from blue light

Whether you are spending more time scrolling through Instagram or are close to competing your “watch list” on Netflix, our blue light exposure has never been higher! These addictive screens emit blue light (also referred to as High Energy Visible or HEV light) which causes free radical generation. The negative effects can penetrate even deeper into the skin than UVB or UVA going all the way into the dermis, reaching our precious collagen and elastin! Check your present skincare or shop for products which contain antioxidants, these will work to combat blue light effects.

Create a DIY spa at home

I always encourage people to pamper themselves! It’s at the core of what we do here at Crystal Clear. It’s amazing what you can find around the house to give yourself a little treat. Try to think about recreating spa-like touches that’'ll give your ‘spa’ a boost; a hot bath, candles, your favourite music, soft fluffy towels, a face mask and beautiful smelling aromatherapy oils. Time to sit back & relax …

Don’t forget your SPF

With all this glorious sunshine, lots of us are taking to our gardens or balconies to soak up some Vitamin D. Now it might not be the shores of St. Tropez but don’t under estimate the power of those rays! Always wear a minimum SPF40 come rain or sunshine and your skin will be protected from sun spots and wrinkles.

Stay hydrated

A simple one but you can never have too many reminders to drink lots of water, the benefits for the whole body are ten fold but if you’re dehydrated, one of the first places you’ll notice it is your skin.

Look after those eyes

All that screen-staring and those late nights are sure to have you working with eye bags and dark circles. The area around your eyes is the most sensitive part of your skin. When shopping for an eye cream look for active ingredients such as Vitamin C.

Top tip - try keeping your eye cream in the fridge to speed up reduction of eye bags!

Stay Clean

Keeping ‘clean’ is understandably at the forefront of everyone’s minds at the moment and it’s no different when it comes to your face! This means cleansing morning & night, resting the urge to touch your face & washing your make-up brushes once a week (if you’re using them) - your skin will thank you later.

Take your time

The one thing none of us are short of at the moment'; time. Use this period of isolation to re-access your skincare routine, learn about your skin type so you can use the best products for you. Give yourself that daily face massage that you never have the time for and explore multi-masking.

Top tip - when layering products, allow 2-3 minutes for each to absorb properly into the skin.