Spa Stripped of License After Offering Unsolicited “Services of a Sexual Nature”.

Image: Google

Image: Google

An undercover inspection of the Unisex “Moon Flower” Spa revealed that customers are offered unsolicited services of a sexual basis "on a “pay-what-you-like” basis.

On two occasions in May, an undercover officer from Kensington and Chelsea Council reported being propositioned at the Moon Flower spa in Earls Court Gardens.

Kensington and Chelsea Council received a request from the spa to renew its special treatments license which prompted the investigation after there already was pressure from residents who claimed that Moon Flower advertised sexually suggestive services which were turning the area into a “red light district”. The council may now place a ban on the Spa carrying out special treatments such as massages, acupuncture and reflexology which it has to date advertised and specialised in.

The inspector in his report states that the proposition for the “special” massage came by a blonde woman during an hour-long Swedish style massage in June after the woman “rubbed his inner-leg area”. He stated:

“I asked her how much this would cost, in which she told me I could pay whatever I wanted.

"During this time, I asked her again for a price and she again said to me ‘you can pay what you like’. 

The police has also stepped in by lodging an objection for the application of a license treatment.