The Benefits of Facial Yoga

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Facial yoga is a natural facial technique that you can practise in your own home and incorporate in your daily regime. Facial yoga releases tension in your face, improves the overall tone and increases circulation to promote the production of collagen, helping reduce the appearance of wrinkle and fight the signs of ageing. Using the correct techniques, facial yoga can activate blood circulation in targeted areas, strengthening elasticity & muscles and help to smooth the skin.

For long term results, it is advised to stick to a daily facial yoga regime, spending 15-30 minutes a day to practice the technique in a quiet space. Instead of making wrinkles worse, facial yoga is said to alleviate the formation of wrinkles and reduce the appearance of them as you are essentially training your face with the right techniques and movements on your skin.

There are some techniques for facial yoga which are said to awaken your facial muscles. For example, blowing raspberries is a warmup exercise which is said to relax muscles in the face as you cause a vibration. Another recommended technique to slim down ‘tech neck’ is relaxing your shoulders and lifting your chin up to the ceiling until you feel a stretch in the upper neck and chin area. To firm sagging skin around the cheek area, use your mouth to pull your face to one side and hold for 10 seconds to feel a stretch, repeat in the other direction.

Gua Sha is a therapeutic massage tool based on ancient Chinese wisdom, mainly consisting in pressing and scrapping the skin for stimulating blood circulation, toxins elimination, releasing muscle tension, reducing puffiness and allowing the flow of energy through the body. The tool is small, delicate and easy to use at home, however like any other massage you need a certain level of professionalism in order to achieve effective results. A beauty professional first of all from offering the pleasure of being treated and having a much more pleasant touch - is trained on a professional level for using the tool and different techniques for different concerns. Some people may have extreme sensitivity in some areas, which a professional may notice and avoid in order not to have the risk to cause bruising. Another advantage in having a professional doing it for you is that it’s allowing you to fully relax, experience the treatment not only on a skincare level but as relaxing therapy too. Gua Sha can be nicely combined with an oil, mask or serum to help the product penetrate the skin faster.