The Importance of Skincare and Supplements in Relation to Anti-Ageing/ Premature Ageing

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A common saying I hear from my clients is “Oh it’s too late for all that” and I always reply and say “It’s never too late!”. One of the most popular treatments I perform, and I believe many beauty therapists also do is facials. Clients may come in just for pure relaxation however nowadays they want more than just a cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturise, they want results, they want to reverse the signs of ageing.

The skincare market is unbelievably competitive these days. Companies are constantly trying to bring out a better cream, one that reverses the signs of ageing, takes away pigmentation, the list goes on. As technology advances so do the offering of top-class skincare. It’s hard for the consumer to know what they should be using and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the huge choice presented to them but my main piece of advice is that one should use the right skincare regime for their skin complimented by the use of skincare supplements and you WILL see a difference.

I would strongly recommend visiting a reputable beauty salon, spa or skincare stand in a store and get your skin looked at in detail. I would always suggest booking in for a Facial so that the skin consultant can look at your skin in depth and really prescribe exactly what your skin needs along with a thorough consultation to find out your concerns and what your current regime is. From here if they can offer you samples of the products to try at home before you purchase the full size then great, go for it! Unless you know the person who is recommending and have trust and faith in them it can be hard just to spend money straight away however a good skincare consultant should know their stuff!

Some key ingredients you should look out for when purchasing anti-ageing skincare products are; Vitamin C, Lactic Acid, Chia Seed Oil, antioxidants such as white tea and retinol and also ensure you wear a Broad Spectrum SPF of 50.

Benefits of Anti-Ageing Products

- Minimise fine lines and wrinkles

- Brightens and firms

- More radiant skin

- Hydrates

- Prevents and corrects free radical damage

Along with caring daily for your skin with a skin regime, it is also equally important to feed your skin from within.

I feel clients need to be educated more about the necessity of taking supplements for their skin (and wellbeing). When skincare therapists do discuss taking supplements along with their skincare products I feel often they don’t fully believe/understand themselves that they will help with premature ageing, but they really will improve the condition of the client’s skin, so much so that it will make a difference!

Skincare supplements give your skin the boost it needs to leave it healthy, radiant, smooth and also they can target specific skin concerns. From the age of 26, our body begins to slow down and therefore skin specific functions like producing collagen and elastin at optimum levels start to deplete. The skin starts to become less radiant, fine lines appear and we can also begin to see pigmentation.

Vitamin A is one of the best ingredients for the skin and helps boost collagen formation. Over 90% of women don’t get enough and so we need to boost our levels with a supplement. It will help hydrate and soften the skin too. Vitamin C is also another great one to include as it contributes to normal collagen formation and the normal functioning of blood vessels. Adding to this taking an Omega 3 and 6 will hydrate and plump the skin and reduce dryness all over the body! Lastly, I would definitely encourage an antioxidant supplement. These will protect our skin from the damaging UV rays and the free radicals which constantly attack our skin and cause premature ageing. Any source of light in fact even computer screens create free radicals which in turn causes premature ageing!

Benefits of Skincare Supplements

- Boost collagen formation

- Hydrate and plump the skin

- Protect skin from free radicals which cause premature ageing

- Smooth the skin

- The skin will look younger for longer

To finish I would like to offer my top tips to ensure your skin stays as healthy and young for as long as possible! Have regular facials to give the skin the chance to have professional grade products used and also to enable the skincare therapist to monitor your skin and see if there is anything else you could include in your routine at home to give your skin the best results possible. Ensure you take the recommended skincare supplements daily to see real results. Maintain a good skincare routine at home morning and evening and don’t stick to using the same products day in day out, boost your routine now and then with a new product or one that is more active as your skin becomes tolerant. And lastly ensure you wear an SPF daily, a minimum of 30 but ideally 50.